Thursday, August 4, 2011
Summer Of (Chess) Love
It's nice and warm here in New Hampshire and it's time for the Summer of (Chess) love Carnival. I've quickly patched this together with help of Blue Devil Knight.
(this is a work in process)
Bright Knight presentsDan Heasman’s 7-10 Basic Tactics Books posted at Empirical Rabbit.
Heinz Z speaks to Truth
Mark Weeks presentsImprove Your Chess with the Master Game posted at Chess for All Ages.
Intermezzo presentsHebden Bridge Chess Club: Worst of British Chess Awards posted at Hebden Bridge Chess Club.
ChessAdmin presentsReflections on Training posted at Path to Chess Mastery.
Here is my favorite old time post from Nezh which speaks to a game that changed him
BDK, everyone favorite blogger , broke his cone of silence to submit this .
DK Transform is back and his blog is always a delightful trip
Eburke has something we need to be reminded of how to win two basic rook endings Lucena and Philidor:
Elubas looks at the Tactics Strategy connection
Espeago discusses something I should take to heart the importance of avoiding premature attacks
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Summer of (Chess) Love 2011 Carnival
It's hot as hell here in New Hampshire. The Hippie Bus has arrived and it's time to cellebrate the Summer of (Chess) Love 2011.
Feel free to link to your post about about chess at the following site . It could be one you just wrote or an older one you are proud of. What ever you feel like don't worry...It's cool.
Date for final submission is August 4th and I hope to post the carnival around the 7th.
Until then Peace , Love and Puka Shells.
Jim Takchess
Monday, July 4, 2011
July Carnival
I'll be hosting the August Carnival . More to Follow.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Nothing is more important that King Safety
A chessgame showing the dangers of grabbing material at the expense of King Safety and Development. A very interesting game from Attacking Manual 2
Reminds me of the Traxler with the Knight out of play on the other side of the board.
The board view is WTM # 13 and here the game is lost for black .
This reminds me of something which I have been fighting during the past 10 years. I'm sure if my play reflected it I would improve 200 points.........
Dan Heisman tells you the two most important things you can learn in chess...........
From Page 3 of his first novice nook.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Talking Traxler: Opening Theory :
Here is a representative game from that line
and similar games to that
Sunday, May 29, 2011
AAgaard Attacking Manuals Common Theme
Terry Francona, Manager of the Boston Red Sox, often talks about the importance of players having a respect for the game (Baseball) to show it through their actions on and off the field . His highest praise is when he says a player plays the game the right way. He consistently talks about this in press conferences and I'm sure this follows through in what he says to his team and individual players. He is a class act. (yes, I am a Boston Red Sox Fan)
This reminds me of one reoccurring themes in Jacob Aagaard's Attacking Manual 1 & 2 , A short excerpt from the beginning of each book appears at these links. 1 & 2 . I think of this theme as Respect for Chess , it's complexity and the difficulty to play it well. In these two books, he shows this and discusses this in many ways. I have found these ideas to be extremely well stated, interesting and good food for additional thinking. I have liberally quoted from his books in this blog. (The book quotes are italicized)
His following statement speaks to the trivialization of difficulty of the game among the general chess book reader and player.
I have included something I have not seen in other books. Before each chapter I have selected a number of diagrams representing positions from the coming chapter for you to consider, should you feel so inclined. It is my experience as a trainer, as well as someone who has had to work to improve, that “reading and nodding” (Daniel King) can create a false impression of how difficult chess really is. By thinking over these positions for up to 10 minutes each, you will have a first impression of what your intuition has to say about these positions, before I say what I think about them. Though we might never meet, this is a way for us to have a constructive dialogue.
I've noticed in general (but not universally) better players ( than I ) talk differently about the game and are more accepting of ambiguity. I've notice this in players I've talked to at tournaments as well as a friend I have analyzed with on (Thanks J!) They are slower to make sweeping statements about a position and stay uncommitted longer to the value or discrediting a move or plan. I think Rowson has some interesting thinks to say about this trait of better players in his book Chess for Zebras.
Much in chess is unknown or unknowable or at least it can vary greatly from game to game. Respect that these things are still being worked out and talking in ideas. As he wrote in the following.
He is also respectful to the readers needs and desire to improve and structures the book with this in mind.
Aagaard teaches mainly through game annotations and the selection is interesting in that most of these games have a poor move or two often on both sides of the board. Most games are recent and are played by GM's.
At the end of book 1, as a preface to 50 study positions , he asks you to approach things in a special way.
It is for this reason, i suggest that you look at the next 50 exercises with the attitude of simply thinking about them and enjoying the thought process. Chess is about thinking and improvements in chess come from improving the way you think. Do not test yourself as you should not try to reach a certain outcome but instead enjoy looking at these hopefully interesting positions.
I find it reassuring that a GrandMaster who won the British Championship, writes great books , plays and train at the high level acknowledges that chess is a damn hard game and writes an advanced book (target audience 1700 +) that I can understand (somewhat) and enjoy.
I plan on working with this book further as well as study my more basic tactical themes and problems. The reality of my play is I'm still missing some basic tactics and need to build my base so that I have the chops to better use the ideas in this book.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tal: He was a man in whose presence others sensed their mediocrity.
I worked a bit with Tal. Around 1980, he visited Baku, we played a couple of training games, and the chess contact wasn't lost until Tal's very last days. There was a blitz tournament in Moscow, one month before Tal's death. He looked horribly. But Tal was still Tal. In this blitz tournament, I lost my only game to him. I retaliated in the second round, but the fact was that until the very end, he still had this vision of games. He was the only one I knew who didn't calculate the variants, he saw them.
EK: Can you elaborate?
GK: We calculate: he does this then I do that. And Tal, through all the thick layers of variants, saw that around the 8th move, it will be so and so. Some people can see the mathematical formulae, they can imagine the whole picture instantly. An ordinary man has to calculate, to think this through, but they just see it all. It occurs in great musicians, great scientists. Tal was absolutely unique. His playing style was of course unrepeatable. I calculated the variants quickly enough, but these Tal insights were unique. He was a man in whose presence others sensed their mediocrity.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
KID Black to move

This is a challenging position from my game at playchess with an 1800 player . White is targeting the d-file and has it's eye on d7. The knight is a tempo away from a check and additional pieces on d7. I have discussed this position with a fellow player from and he challenged to come up with a workable defense.
I'm still thinking about this . It's very tricky. (here is the start)
Step One: Describe the position.
Material is even. The only thing off the board are the d-pawns. White: White is castled queenside and prepared to attack in the center and when available Kingside. Has a rook-queen battery starring down the d-file. His d5 knight can't be kicked by a pawns and can delivered a check on two squares. The f3 pawn is unprotected but not directly attacked and the e2 knight
is only protected only by the queen. White LS bishop is in a strong unblocked diagonal while the DS bishop is currently in a Queen Bishop battery and would benefit from more activity. His rooks are connected and desire open files.
White's Plans dependent on Blacks Move.
If white can't win get ahead in material with a combination in the center >attacking Nd7,Qd8. then f4 is in the air : looking to move the e3 pawn and opening up the f4 square for a piece and the attack. There will be a fight for the d7 knight which black needs to adjust for so he doesn't end up hurt in a combination.
Black Position and Plan.
White has an attacking position and black has plenty of work to do to cobble together a plan to defend and perhaps threaten to counterattack. What ever move black selects, it must effectively combat the following 4 follow-up moves by white bxd7, Nf6+, f4, Nc3 .
Black desires better coordination as of the back rank,Keeping black rooks from getting open files on the king-side, more active bishops, and exchanging off some of the white pieces and most importantly not losing material which is on the way if he doesn't play precisely.
Candidate Moves for Black:
I'm considering Ba6, Bb7,Nb8,Kh8, f6,f5, (more to follow plus editing)
I can eliminate Nb8. 1...Nb8?! 2. Bxc8 qxc8? 3. Ne7+ takes the queen
I can eliminate Ba6 1...Ba6 2. Nc3 and black has no escape route or defense for the knight on d7 :it loses a piece
I can eliminate Bb7 see Ba6
After looking at all the lines I could not find anything that didn't lose material. So I ran it through Fritz and that is the case . This position is plus 3 regardless of blacks move.
Endgame Position Black to Move and Draw (Corrected)

Hi All,
This is a correction of my previous post regarding Endgame which Chri (Blunderpuss) pointed out was in error. I referred to the wrong moves and the position is a little confusing . So I think it's better to correct it on a new post.
Note the board view here is from Blacks perspective. Black pawns are on h3 and g3, whites king is on g8 having just accompanied a pawn to be promoted (Queen no longer there,captured by black)
As Black, Down in material, this is a postion I was striving for in order to draw. Two connected pawns against 2 pieces.
This is a theoretical drawn position as confirmed by Fritz with Black.
In fact,two moves draw g2!! or Kh2!!.
218: Palmolive2010 - Takchess, Rated game, 35m + 0s 2011
Analysis by Fritz 12:
1. = (0.00): 61...Kh2 62.Rc6 g2 63.Rc2 Kg3 64.Rc1 Kh2 65.Rc2
2. = (0.00): 61...g2 62.Rc6 Kh2 63.Rc2 Kg3 64.Rc1 Kh2 65.Rc2
In the actual game, I played h2 ?? and lost.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Yes, I would like to talk (and think) like a chess book
I like how Jacob annotates a game. I figure the ability to better describe and think about chess positions and how to play goes hand in hand with getting better. ( that's my theory anyway). Less Fuzziness : More Precision. Chess annotation is an interesting form of literature and is fun when it's done right.
This space is a little clipboard for things I read. It's unlikely to have much meaning to anyone other than myself and may appear somewhat trite . In order for you to get something out of this, I'll direct you instead to the books themselves.
For my own benefit, I've divided things in chess snippets but them under general subheadings. (note I adding stuff I hear , read, absorb from a number of sources here but for now mainly AAgaard)
Rules are standard replies that can be used in most situations. Generalizations are the best way to build an awareness to reoccurring themes in chess.... to build intuition.
His principles are global principles not because they appear in all positions but because they appear in all kinds of positions.
The Difficulty of Chess
It's JA impression that reading and nodding gives a false impression as to how hard chess really is.
Work and thinking about positions in a chessbook is much more fruitful than the reading and nodding approach. (Daniel King)
Regarding the chess positions in his book. They are hard, Effort needs to be put in before new abilities can be taken out.
Evaluation of a position
Blacks position is pleasant
control over the center
completed his development
solid lead in development
Activity/Development and lack of it
The most energetic response.
allows black to build up an attacking position.
completed his development
neglected his development
black is getting his pieces to more and more attractive squares
the sacrifice has a drawback of not being supported by all the black's pieces.
take the pawn and hope for positional rewards later on.
unfortunately it costs a lot of time
Soundness ?!
Black decides to go for an idea that is more interesting than correct.
His argument goes like this:
gives away the rook in exchange for disturbing the development.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
7 factors to evaluate a position per Karpov book
1. Material relationship between the forces.
2. Presence of direct threats.
3. Position of the kings, their safety.
4. Possession of open lines.
5. Pawn structures, weak and strong squares.
6. The centre and space.
7. Development and the position of pieces.As a result of comparing these elements the chess player makes a statistical evaluation of the position, selects a plan of action and begins searching for specific moves and calculating variations.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Endgame Position:Black to Move and Draw (Incorrect Post)
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Marshall Attack is to the Ruy
I can definitely see myself playing this.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Instructive how to play a game toward a endgame
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
What are the ideas for Black in this position ?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Notes on Specific SYT Problems for further study
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Endgame Fundamentals: White to Play and Draw

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
51 to go
These 3-4 star problems are just as much about planning as they are about tactics.
Spent some time playing on the internet this week instead of solving problems. I feel I'm playing at a reasonable level.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
A very cool interference position & Celebration

White to Move has no solution to effectively combat both Qxe4+ or Rxf1 + . I'm calculating out Qx e3 Rxf1+, Kg2 Qxe4,Qxe4 Rg1 / Qxe3 Qxe4(is this forced ?), rxf1 kg1
lines to see if they are losing to mate or just losing the queen initially.
An interesting position.
from Onos vs Yuchtman
Yes and Celebration! I hit tactic 1000 in my first circle of Sharpen Your Tactics (125 to go)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Observe First than Calculate!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Pattern Recognition 1: The King's Bowtie
Friday, February 25, 2011
A Big Think is needed
My impression of this position before a big think is it involves Bxg7 and N-f7 and Q-h3 and possibly a rook lift. Perhaps that advanced pawn will come in handy. Although starting with a pawn push might be interesting but I think unlikely. Unsure of move order I need to see if Q-h3 is too slow and I need to sac first due to black playing f6 first. RXd6 might be the appropriate first move....
It's feeling to me like a corridor mate after the smoke clears or a queen mate close in.
Qc6 from black looks likes trouble. I wonder is some point a rook blocks this check.
As I said, it needs a big think. hmmm.
I'm curious as to who may be following this. If you read this,please leave a hi or a short comment. Thanks
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Save to Study tonight 30 BTM
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Attacking Manual 1 &2
I think it's somewhat above my rating and something to study deeper in the future. I've asked a number of local libraries to purchase it. He has a number of positions that he would like us to think about for 10-20 minutes for plans. One could easily spend a year working with these books.
Volume 1 is his ideas on the nature of dynamic chess while Volume 2 is more like the Art of Attack. Aagaard makes the point that the A or A descriptions are not clear.
I agree with him.
below are two excerpts from the publisher
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
BTM Euwe's Sharp Position
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
If you are hoping to learn something
If you're hoping to learn something about tactics and chess from my blog......
I will respectfully redirect you to someone who knows what he is talking about.
Dan Heisman Archive of a decade of Novice Nook.
2.13 circle 1 640
2.14 circle 1 670
2.15 circle 1 700
2.16 circle 1 709
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Begin with an End in Mind- WTM
As Dan Heisman says Loose Pieces fall off. Here with White to Move, it's important to evaluate some options to see if you can grab the queen as well as preventing mate.
I am not only building patterns for a specific positions but for opportunity recognition in games. I'd hoping to further develop my tactical "spider" sense that there is a possibility of a tactic when a position arises.
Here Black's Queen is a clear target and worth some clock time to see if she call be caught.
Interestingly enough this position occurs when black is focusing on Queen to G2 for the mate.
589 Sharpen Your Tactics.
Game found here
Gelfand vs Kanstler 1987
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Brain cramp
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I'm pleased with my initial circle and I'm at the first pass familiarity stage with many of the positions. I'm working on the complete problem set many of the harder set which I don't get pass the first move or two of the analysis. (I do try to follow as much of the continuation as I can)
* posts are left intentionally sparse so I can concentrate on building tactical circle momentum.
2-6 505 circle 1
2-7 526 c1
2-8 550 c1
2-9 563 Woot! Hit half way point on first circle #563 . problems getting progressively harder,combinations longer and variations more complex although there are still some 1&2 star problems in the mix.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tactical Training is the Way
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yes.... I am doing tactics from Sharpen Your Tactics by Lein and Archangelsky. You can watch my progress on my sidebar. Problems range in difficulty from 1 star-easy 1 movers to 4 stars- hard. The beginning of the book is mainly 1 star problems which goes by quickly. ( I have done this section before).
Level 1 -
Fellow knights here is where I'm at
1st circle problem 142
I have decided that my circles will be problem 1 through 1125 and no mini-circles(subgroups)
Also check this sharp tactic out trying solving without peeking from move 29 with BTM. see position above.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A -Tactics by Player Name
Andersen-Kieseritzky London 1851 syt4 The immortal game
Hochberg-Averbakh Stockholm 1954 CM 22
Averbakh-Penrose London 1954 CM60 L4
Keres-Arlamovski Tscharno-Zdrog 195o syt6
B-C Tactics by Player Name
Bacrot Bareev Bauer Beliavsky Bird Blackburne Bogoljubov Botvinnik Bronstein Bu Buckle Burn
Capablanca Carlsen Charousek Chigorin
Honfi-Barzcay 1977 CM9
Furman-Batygin Kalinin 1950 cm55 l6
Bellon-G.Garcia Cienfuegos 1976 CM 34
Zaharov-Bobolovich Russia 1960 2 syt
Bogoljubov-Monticelli San Remo 1930 8 syt
Byrne-Tarjan Cleveland 1975 5 ecm
Chess Master List
Bacrot Bareev Bauer Beliavsky Bird Blackburne Bogoljubov Botvinnik Bronstein Bu Buckle Burn
Capablanca Carlsen Charousek Chigorin
de Labourdonnais de Vere Dobias Dominguez-Peres Dreev Dubois
Eichborn Eljanov Englisch Euwe
Fine Fischer Flohr
Gelfand Geller Georgiev Goetz Grischuk Ginsburg Gunsberg M Gurevich
Harikrishna Harrwitz Hirschfeld Inarkiev Ivanchuk
Jakovenko Janowski
Kamsky Karjakin Karpov Kasparov Kasimdzhanov Keres Khalifman Kolisch Korchnoi Kramnik Krasenkow
Landa Lange Larsen Lasker Lautier Leko Lipke Lipshutz
Mackenzie Malakhov Makovetz Mamedyarov Maroczy Marshall Mason McShane Milov Miroshnichenko Moehle Morozevich Morphy Movsesian
Naiditsch Najdorf Nakamura Neumann Ni Nikolic, Nimzovich , Nisipeanu
Paulsen Petrosian Petrov Piket Pillsbury J Polgar, Polugaevsky Ponomariov Portisch Potter
Radjabov Reshevsky Riemann Rosenthal Rubinstein Rublevsky
Sargissian Sasikiran Schlechter Schwarz Shirov Short Smirin
Smyslov Socko Sokolov Spassky Stein Steinitz Suhle Svidler
Tal Tarrasch Timman Topalov
Vallejo Pons Van Wely Volokitin Von Bardeleben vond der Lasa
Wang Weiss Winawer
D-F Tactics by Player Name
de Labourdonnais de Vere Dobias Dominguez-Peres Dreev Dubois
Eichborn Eljanov Englisch Euwe
Fine Fischer Flohr
Dunhaupt-Kunert corr 52-53 ecm 2
Zuckertort-Englisch London 1883 CM47 L10
Furman-Batygin Kalinin 1950 cm55 l6
G-J Tactics by Player Names
Gelfand Geller Georgiev Goetz Grischuk Ginsburg Gunsberg M Gurevich
Harikrishna Harrwitz Hirschfeld Inarkiev Ivanchuk
Jakovenko Janowski
Bellon-G.Garcia Cienfuegos 1976 CM 34
Goncharova-Radchenko Riga 1983 CM l2
Livshitz-Grossman Wroclaw 1979 Cm51 l3
Hochberg-Averbakh Stockholm 1954 CM 22
Honfi-Barzcay 1977 CM9
K Tactics by Players Name
Kamsky Karjakin Karpov Kasparov Kasimdzhanov Keres Khalifman Kolisch Korchnoi Kramnik Krasenko
Miller-Kearney NY 1935 11syt
Keres-Arlamovski Tscharno-Zdrog 195o syt6
Andersen-Kieseritzky London 1851 syt4 The immortal game
Koepaev-Vistaneckis ussr 1949 CM38
Muchloc-Kostic Koln 1912 syt9
Trifunovic-Kostic Yugoslavia Moscow 1956 cm 40
Kudari-Larsen Ottawa 1970 4 ecm
L-Q Tactics by Player Name
Landa Lange Larsen Lasker Lautier Leko Lipke Lipshutz
Mackenzie Malakhov Makovetz Mamedyarov Maroczy Marshall Mason McShane Milov Miroshnichenko Moehle Morozevich Morphy Movsesian
Naiditsch Najdorf Nakamura Neumann Ni Nikolic, Nimzovich , Nisipeanu
Paulsen Petrosian Petrov Piket Pillsbury J Polgar, Polugaevsky Ponomariov Portisch Potter
Kudari-Larsen Ottawa 1970 4 ecm
Tikan-Peebo Tartu 1977 CM58 l2
Averbakh-Penrose London 1954 CM60 L4
Puschman-Lengyel Hungry 71 CM48 L10
Lipschutz-Schallopp London 1886 3 ecm
Livshitz-Grossman Wroclaw 1979 Cm51 l3
Volkevich-Lyskov Moscow 1958 Cm34 L4
Miller-Kearney NY 1935 11syt
Bogoljubov-Monticelli San Remo 1930 8 syt
Muchlok- Kostic Koln 1912 9syt
Yusupov-Nogueiras Montpelier 1985 syt 15
Petrosian-Simagin Moscow 1956 cm25
Poldepor-Stoudtman Pepic 1980 10syt
R-T Tactics by Player Name
Radjabov Reshevsky Riemann Rosenthal Rubinstein Rublevsky
Sargissian Sasikiran Schlechter Schwarz Shirov Short Smirin
Smyslov Socko Sokolov Spassky Stein Steinitz Suhle Svidler
Tal Tarrasch Timman Topalov
Goncharova-Radchenko Riga 1983 CM l2
Reti-Tartakover Vienna 1910 syt13
Smyslov-Szabo Hastings 4-55 CM49 L2
Smyslov-Szabo Hastings 4-55 CM49 L2
Vaslukov-Taimanov usssr 1965 cm61 l4
Tikan-Peebo Tartu 1977 CM58 l2
Trifunovic-Kostic Yugoslavia Moscow 1956 cm 40
Rubinstein-Vidmar Berlin 1918 syt 12
Lipschutz-Schallopp London 1886 ecm 3
Petrosian-Simagin Moscow 1956 cm25
Tolush-Simagin 1952 1 ecm
Steinitz-Schlesser 1863 7 syt
Poldepor-Stoudtman Pepic 1980 10syt
Reti-Tartakover Vienna 1910 syt13
Byrne-Tarjan Cleveland 1975 5 ecm
U-Z Tactics by Player Name
Vallejo Pons Van Wely Volokitin Von Bardeleben vond der Lasa
Wang Weiss Winawer
Vaslukov-Taimanov usssr 1965 cm61 l4
Veizai-Hodja Albania 1954 Cm56 L4
Koepaev-Vistaneckis ussr 1949 CM38
Rubinstein-Vidmar Berlin 1918 syt 12
Volkevich-Lyskov Moscow 1958 Cm34 L4
Yusupov-Nogueiras Montpelier 1985 syt 15
Zaharov-Bobolovich Russia 1960 2 syt
Zuckertort-Englisch London 1883 CM47 L10
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Boleslavsky vs Lisitsin
It had a very similar theme as the Smyslov game a killer Knight outpost on d5. Boleslavsky created the conditions for this outpost with a brilliant c4 pawn sac to create a bishop trade. He then went on to remove the Knight on f6 the last defender of the d5 square. I find it interesting that both games had the opponent trade knights as the first piece exchange and toward the end each side had a minor piece, 2 rooks and a queen. The outpost knight held the power in each game.
Note to self: Be mindful once a knight is traded for outpost opportunities.
Another interesting move was the quiet 21 Qe2 followed by 22 Qf1 preventing a future blockade by Blacks queen on the H file. This allows for the pawn storm sequence beginning with 23 g3. The knight on d5 at times keeps black bishop on f8 to prevent e7 check as well as the queen can never take on h5 due to f6 check & fork.
Kingcrusher did a nice analysis of this game on youtube . The game can be replayed here at playchess .
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Most Instructive Instructive Game-Smyslov-Rudakovsky 1945

A View from the Bunker, Black to Move
Here's a game which Smyslov played against Rudakovsky in the 1945 USSR championship tournament. Found here
This has appeared in many chess books including:
Silman's Re-access your Chess
Pachman's Chess Strategy
Chernev's Most Instructive Games
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach.(Chapter 1)
[Note: I'm currently working through this book]
This game appears to be the 1940's equivalent of the Opera Game. An appealing entertaining and instructive game where each move of the winner is purposeful, effective and ends with a great mating combination. It is game most used when the author wants to show an example of a strong Knight Outpost that dominates the game. It illustrates as well the value of coordination and superior position where sides of equal material can be greatly different strengths. Poor Rudakovsky is unable to accomplish anything in this game and his Queen sits helplessly watching a mating net from the opposite side of the board.
When I have a good classic instructive game that I study, I memorize it. I do this by breaking the game in phases and creating a narrative. I find the handful of games that are considered to be the classics have a nice entertaining story that runs through them.
It starts off with Basic Sicilian Scheveningen Stuff
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6
Both Sides rush to King Safety
6. Be2 Be7 7. O-O O-O
Get out those pieces
8. Be3 Nc6(a threat forms)
A weakness is not a weakness if it cannot be exploited! f4 prepares for a King-side attack.
9. f4 {I want to play this move more in a number of openings}
Black moves big gun to play on the Queen side
Interesting you have the same position in Karpov-Spassky game here at whites move 9 (look at the winning combination!)
9 .... Qc7
White Queen positions for protection on Queen side with a quick route to King side (THE MOVE per Weeramantry)
10. Qe1 !
Black uses a tactic to gain space
10..... Nxd4 11. Bxd4 e5
White declines the pawn take since restricting Blacks Space is a major goal. Why free up the bishop and spread out his pawns ?
White develops his bishop and black tries to develop his bishop
12. Be3 Be6
Kick that Bishop!
13. f5
Forces Trade
13.... Bc4 14. Bxc4 Qxc4
White quickly enacts a plan to create a unbreachable Nd5 Outpost
15. Bg5 Rfe8(protects bishop but that's not what white is after)
Removal of the last guard of d5 and occupation
16. Bxf6 Bxf6 17. Nd5
Black runs Bishop to Safety
17 ..Bd8
Smyslov repairs a weakness before starting his attack
18. c3
Black's mysterious pawn move (?)
18 .... b5
Kick that Queen!
19. b3
I'll check you because I can
19..... Qc5+ 20. Kh1
Prepares a Qxc3 attack
Rook Lift that protects and prepares a kingside attack
21. Rf3 !
Get in the bunker(f6 would be a better)
21.... Kh8
Kamikaze Pawn
22. f6! gxf6
Build the attack and threaten an eventual QXh7 mate
23. Qh4
Protects as best he can
23... Rg8
White threatens Qxh7 mate and black defends
24. Nxf6 Rg7
White prepares a deflection mate Black fights back
25. Rg3 Bxf6
Queen pins rook and prepares for the kill
26. Qxf6
Black tries to support the now pinned rook
26. Rcg8
Smyslov brings fight to new front on the way to back rank tactics
27. Rd1
Rudakovsky has run out of moves
Chess is a cruel game; replace the pinned rook with another one
28. Rxg7 Rxg7
29. Rxd5 and the game is over with Blacks Queen sitting on the checking square totally out of the game unable to defend or get a tempo to take advantage of whites back rank
Also: here is my game collection page of games worth remembering.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Opening Theory - The Marshall Attack - BTM

Monday, January 3, 2011
1/1/2011 Herb Healy Tournament

Here I am wearing the blue hat sitting next to the scholar and gentleman :George the Blunderprone. (Please note: Despite the photographic evidence above, I'm not asleep ?!)
This is my third New Years day tournament at the BCC and was my favorite. All games were 1 e4 8),openings I was comfortable with and hard fought .
I played
1) a King's Gambit as White ( lost)
2) a Reti Gambit as White against the French (won)
3) a Scotch Gambit as Black (lost)
4) a 2 Knights as Black (lost) (almost a Traxler but went 0-0 0-0)
All interesting games and I didn't hang any pieces. I consider this a major accomplishment given my two year hiatus.
Games 3 & 4 I was hanging on for my life through most of it.
Game 3 I accidently plopped down my bishop on an unintended square (an across the board mouse slip)
Game 4 I believe I should of kicked the G5 Knight by h6 but never played it.
I'm rated at the time I let my USCF lapse under 11oo ..... So I was happy with my play against the 4 players all who were over 1600. (two of them over 1800)
A nice informal get together with enjoyable people.