When a Kings wears a pawn bowtie, he is vulnerable for a Sac on the diagonal to draw him out. Here Rook X f6 followed by Qh4+ and mate to follow.
If you're hoping to learn something about tactics and chess from my blog......
I will respectfully redirect you to someone who knows what he is talking about.
Dan Heisman Archive of a decade of Novice Nook.
2.13 circle 1 640
2.14 circle 1 670
2.15 circle 1 700
2.16 circle 1 709
As Dan Heisman says Loose Pieces fall off. Here with White to Move, it's important to evaluate some options to see if you can grab the queen as well as preventing mate.
I am not only building patterns for a specific positions but for opportunity recognition in games. I'd hoping to further develop my tactical "spider" sense that there is a possibility of a tactic when a position arises.
Here Black's Queen is a clear target and worth some clock time to see if she call be caught.
Interestingly enough this position occurs when black is focusing on Queen to G2 for the mate.
589 Sharpen Your Tactics.
Game found here
Gelfand vs Kanstler 1987
2-6 505 circle 1
2-7 526 c1
2-8 550 c1
2-9 563 Woot! Hit half way point on first circle #563 . problems getting progressively harder,combinations longer and variations more complex although there are still some 1&2 star problems in the mix.